วันพุธที่ 22 สิงหาคม พ.ศ. 2550


Today I wake up at 8.00 o'clock in the morning. Today I want to Espanate Shopping Mall RatChaDa. Because I want to Cabal event . In the event have many thing to sell for me. Cabal is a new game online in Thailand.Cabal eventstart at 10.00 o'clock. I go with my team. My team name is Union . My team have 30 people. But member in my team can come with me is ten people. In The Cabal event have a PVP Event . If I can win I will recive a new item in Cabal online Game and Motocycle. PVP is player vs player . I think I is a good player. But in The Cabal event have 6 an award . I win 21 fight. In a match 22 fight. I lose ,because I meet PVP with Chai .


Today I wake up at 10:00 o'clock.I want to back home.I tell my friend.My friend name is pic.My friend want to travel in Rayong.I tell my friend that i have a free time about 2 day.I can tour 2 day.My friend tell me that it's OK.We are buy 2 tickets for go to Rayong.My friend want to go to Samet Island.We are arrive Rayong at 1:00pm.. I think today is a first day to travel.I want to talk something with my friend.I call to the resort of my friend in Samet Island.I tell about today I must check-in at Samet Island at 4:00pm..My friend name is Eve.Eve is an owner of this resort.I dinner with Pic and Eve.I want to talk with Pic about an idea.My idea is I want to start business a pub and resturant at Abac.We are talk this topic is long time.Eve want to guide to travel in Samet Island.He want to go to Silver sand.Silver sand is hot pub in Samet Island.We are start at 8:00pm. but we are not go to Silver sand 3 people.Eve has 4 guard come with us and they can not drink with us,too.I want to come back resort at 3:00am. because Pic was drunk.We back to resort at 3:30am. and then we go to bed.We sleep like baby.

Chapter Twenty-Four

'Why here?' Lazarov asked. 'Why did they choose Panama City Beach? They're trapped here. The cop have got the whole place covered. There are only about sixty of our men, and the cop have got hundreds . So the chances are that they' ll find them before we do.'
Morolto nodded. 'So we've got to improve our chances.'
'Leave that to me, ' DeVasher said. 'But why here?
'The water!' Morolto suddenly shouted.'They're going to try to escape by sea , in the dark!'
'That the sense to me,' DeVasher said.
'So where are our boats?' Morolto said.
Lazarov jumped from his seat and began shouting orders down phone. He wanted his men to hire every avilable boat and stay out at sea , waiting.
DeVasher gave his own orders to Rimmer and his men. Rimmer drove up to Tallahassee and phoneed the police from there. 'Listen!' he said excitedly. 'I just saw those three people you're after .They're driving a green Ford van! They're going south!'
Five minutes later Fat Tony Verkler did exactly the same from a few miles further south.
Within a couple of hours nearly all the local cop had returned to their stations, and all the FBI agent were travelling south.
Mitch, Abby, and Ray watched the news on TV.The police only wanted toarrest them ; Morolto's men want to kill them.
Mitch sat back down on the floor among all the boxes . He nodded at Abby, who was operating the camera. He continued giving evidence. After sixteen hours he had nearly finished. with the help of Tammy's lists he told the court where they could find nine hundred million dollars of Mafia money in banks. he then explained how the whole system worked .Moroltos and their lawyers used to turn dirty money into clean. He knew that the evidence was incomplete, but when the FBI had these films they could easily get permission to search the whole bendini building and all its computer records.
Andy Patrick received the envelope address to Sam Fortune . He started to take it over to Room 38 but stoped when he saw two men knowingat the door to the rooms .He went back to reception desk and phoned Room38.
Mr Fortune? Ithink you should know there are two men coming your way. They are knoicking on all the doors.
Are they cops
"I don't think so"
They'll think the room's empty. Can you bring it over as soon as it's safe ?
Ray said "us some beers"
Mitch said "take chances"
Lamar Quin saw Ray enter the shop man moved it wasn't Mitch McDeere,but he looked just like him it was Ray and returned to the car park.Then he went to the next shop to continue his serch for the Mcdeeres

วันอังคารที่ 21 สิงหาคม พ.ศ. 2550

Chapter Twenty-Three

Joey Moroto flew down forty of his men. He settled himself in the Sandpiper Hotel. The first thing he did was get all, the available partners and associates from Memphis to come to Alabama.
F.Denton Voyles and Tarrance were sitting in their hotel, waiting news. They had sixty FBI agents and hundreds of local cop searching for the car.
The white Cutlass was found at nine in the morning in the car park in Panama City Beach. Voyles immediately moved all his men down there.
A local cop phoned that nice Mr Rimmer to tell him the new ,Mr Rimmer call Lazarov at the Sandpiper. Rimmer and Lazarov immediately moved all their men to PanamaCity Beach.
It took only a few minutes for van to come to hot news.The men who had rented it to Mich was reading his morning paper and he remembered the name 'McDeere'. Voyles and Tarrance got the news . They realizeed that the van must be for carrying the files.
At nine, Mitch called Tammy. She had the new documents and passports. Mitch told her to send them to Sam Fortune at the Bule Tide Hotel and give her the address. He told her to make
sure they arrived the next day. Finally he told her to leave Nashvill, Drive to Knoxville and call him from there.
By midday, all the roads to the coast around Panama City Beach were closed by the police. Lazarov and Morolto were in the Best Western Hotel.
At four in the afternoon, a clerk in the Holiday Hotel told the police that Abby McDeere was probably paid cash for two room for three nights.
At 4.58, a police car stopped in the car park of a cheap hotel and found the van Mitch had rented. It was empty.
Andy Patrick had first gone to prison, for four months, when he was nineteen. Since then he had committed plenty of minor crimes. He hated violence. He heat cops. A cop had once beaten him so badly that he lost one eye.
Six months ago he found himself in Panama City Beach and got a job as a clerk at the Blue Tide Hotel. Around nine on Friday night he was watching TV when the cop walked in
'We ' re looking for some people , ' said the cop , and laid pictures on the counter. 'Seen any of them ?'
Andy studied the pictures. He thought he recognized the one of Mitchell Y. McDeere . His criminal's mind began to work.
As soon as the cop had left, Andy went and knocked on the door of Room 38
'Who's there?' a women's voice said.
'The manager, 'Andy replied.
Mitch opened the door. Andy could see he was nervous. 'What is it?' he asked.
The police were just here, ' Andy explained. 'They showed me some pictures. I said I couldn't recognize them . Da you know that I mean? Theysaid one of these people had been in the prison . I ' ve been in prison too, and I think everyone should escape. Am I making myself clear?'
'yes,' Mitch said.' What 's your name?'
'Andy , I'll give you a thousand dollars now,
'Five thousand a day ,' Andy said.
'Ok. And I' ll give you another five thousand to bring me a small packet that will arrive tomorrow morning.'
'Good .' Andy went back to his counter .
Back in the room, Mitch said, 'I think our luck has just changed for the better.'